Trello for Project Management and organization

 ler em português

    On previous posts, I have mentioned the utility of Trello for goal planning and accountability, and for content planning.

    After it became part of Atlassian suite, I missed some of its old features for the basic option, which remains free. 

    On the other hand, it had some useful additions as some project planning templates.

    When you first log on its page it displays the most used ones. If you don't see it, you can click on the left side menu > templates.

Project Management template

    A basic structure for project plans big or small to build your team's ideal workflow. What's included in this template:

  • Resources (Start Here!): A list for your team to keep documents, specs, designs, or anything that is referenced all the time. Meeting schedules and answers to common questions are also recommended to go into this list.

  • Questions For Next Meeting: A list for important question. 

  • To Do: This list is for assigned tasks so that your team can see who's working on what and when it's due. 

  • Pending: A list for in-between tasks that are technically done but also waiting for another step. This list is used to share what the next partial steps are with your team.

  • Blocked: A list for blocking issues that are slowing your team down so you can tackle it together. 

  • Done: A list for all your finished tasks. Drag and drop tasks to this list once they are concluded. 


Kanban template

    A simple Kanban template to keep the work flowing while the whole team stays informed of who is working on what. You and your engineering team can:

  • Break down the project roadmap by adding tasks cards to the Backlog list.

  • Move the cards to Design as your team develop them. It allows you to enable Power-ups for your favorite design tools like Figma or Invision, easily linking and viewing designs without switching context.
  • When a card is fully specified and designs are attached, move it to To Do.
  • Developers and programmers move cards to Doing and assign themselves to the cards.
  • Cards move to Code Review when they're ready for it. The List Limit Power-up allows team to set a List Limit on the number of cards in Code Review, as a visual indicator for when the team needs to prioritize reviews rather than picking up new tasks.
  • Once cards move through Testing and eventually ship to production, move them to Done.

Simple project template

    A simple board to start on a project. Each list can hold cards with ideas or tasks. The lists included in this template are:

  • Brainstorm: A list for generating and describing ideas.
  • To Do: Once a idea is clearly defined, it can become a task on To Do stage. 
  • Doing: Ongoing
  • Done: Finished
    You can add other lists such as Labels, holding colored labels for tagging each card.

   This template also includes a card template based on the Why, What, How framework.

Remote Team Hub template

    A list for team productivity including resources and FAQ’s, also allowing any member to see what’s currently being done and who’s working on what. Your team can:

  • Create cards providing an overview for important items such as OKRs, projects, and team activities.
  • Link to related boards, documents, and communication channels.
  • Add comments to cards with weekly progress updates.


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